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36_[자바] 초기화 3 (생성자)

Constructor initialization

The constructor can be used to perform initialization, and this gives you greater flexibility in your programming because you can call methods and perform actions at run time to determine the initial values. There’s one thing to keep in mind, however: You aren’t precluding the automatic initialization, which happens before the constructor is entered. So, for example, if you say:

//: initialization/Counter.java
public class Counter {
    int i;
    Counter() { i = 7; }
    // ...
} ///:~

then i will first be initialized to 0, then to 7. This is true with all the primitive types and with object references, including those that are given explicit initialization at the point of definition. For this reason, the compiler doesn’t try to force you to initialize elements in the constructor at any particular place, or before they are used—initialization is already guaranteed.


[Thinking in Java, 125~]


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