문제를 순서대로 풀다보면, 난이도가 꼭 문제순서와는 일치하지 않는것 같습니다. 그래서 푼사람이 많은순대로 풀어보면 동기부여도 되고 막히지 않고, 풀수 있을것 같네요.
1 | Multiples of 3 and 5 | 762117 |
2 | Even Fibonacci numbers | 612116 |
3 | Largest prime factor | 438242 |
6 | Sum square difference | 400477 |
5 | Smallest multiple | 398089 |
4 | Largest palindrome product | 389976 |
7 | 10001st prime | 342777 |
9 | Special Pythagorean triplet | 292385 |
8 | Largest product in a series | 289405 |
10 | Summation of primes | 268146 |
11 | Largest product in a grid | 194281 |
16 | Power digit sum | 188946 |
13 | Large sum | 187266 |
14 | Longest Collatz sequence | 186820 |
12 | Highly divisible triangular number | 181598 |
20 | Factorial digit sum | 165568 |
15 | Lattice paths | 154434 |
25 | 1000-digit Fibonacci number | 129325 |
17 | Number letter counts | 125640 |
21 | Amicable numbers | 121178 |
18 | Maximum path sum I | 120758 |
19 | Counting Sundays | 112228 |
22 | Names scores | 111880 |
24 | Lexicographic permutations | 95549 |
48 | Self powers | 95098 |
30 | Digit fifth powers | 91245 |
28 | Number spiral diagonals | 91046 |
29 | Distinct powers | 87080 |
23 | Non-abundant sums | 85969 |
34 | Digit factorials | 78385 |
36 | Double-base palindromes | 74487 |
27 | Quadratic primes | 72422 |
35 | Circular primes | 70674 |
31 | Coin sums | 69817 |
26 | Reciprocal cycles | 69312 |
40 | Champernowne's constant | 66765 |
42 | Coded triangle numbers | 62336 |
37 | Truncatable primes | 61151 |
39 | Integer right triangles | 60632 |
33 | Digit cancelling fractions | 59545 |
45 | Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal | 59291 |
32 | Pandigital products | 58835 |
41 | Pandigital prime | 56422 |
38 | Pandigital multiples | 52087 |
50 | Consecutive prime sum | 51452 |
46 | Goldbach's other conjecture | 50599 |
43 | Sub-string divisibility | 49209 |
44 | Pentagon numbers | 47829 |
47 | Distinct primes factors | 47801 |
49 | Prime permutations | 47781 |
51번부터 100번까지
67 | Maximum path sum II | 81259 |
52 | Permuted multiples | 54457 |
53 | Combinatoric selections | 49095 |
56 | Powerful digit sum | 48397 |
55 | Lychrel numbers | 44660 |
97 | Large non-Mersenne prime | 37111 |
63 | Powerful digit counts | 35557 |
79 | Passcode derivation | 35234 |
92 | Square digit chains | 34888 |
59 | XOR decryption | 34451 |
57 | Square root convergents | 34003 |
58 | Spiral primes | 32920 |
54 | Poker hands | 29008 |
81 | Path sum: two ways | 28594 |
69 | Totient maximum | 28048 |
51 | Prime digit replacements | 27014 |
62 | Cubic permutations | 25409 |
99 | Largest exponential | 25234 |
65 | Convergents of e | 24603 |
71 | Ordered fractions | 23755 |
76 | Counting summations | 23407 |
74 | Digit factorial chains | 21802 |
60 | Prime pair sets | 21176 |
73 | Counting fractions in a range | 20640 |
61 | Cyclical figurate numbers | 20589 |
85 | Counting rectangles | 20316 |
70 | Totient permutation | 18153 |
72 | Counting fractions | 18146 |
64 | Odd period square roots | 17894 |
89 | Roman numerals | 17782 |
82 | Path sum: three ways | 17366 |
87 | Prime power triples | 17008 |
68 | Magic 5-gon ring | 16824 |
80 | Square root digital expansion | 16217 |
66 | Diophantine equation | 15906 |
77 | Prime summations | 15432 |
83 | Path sum: four ways | 14850 |
75 | Singular integer right triangles | 14498 |
96 | Su Doku | 13754 |
78 | Coin partitions | 13580 |
100 | Arranged probability | 13050 |
91 | Right triangles with integer coordinates | 12540 |
95 | Amicable chains | 11429 |
86 | Cuboid route | 10236 |
84 | Monopoly odds | 10115 |
94 | Almost equilateral triangles | 9800 |
93 | Arithmetic expressions | 9381 |
98 | Anagramic squares | 9041 |
90 | Cube digit pairs | 8902 |
88 | Product-sum numbers | 7925 |