영어로 읽는 코딩

52_[자바] inner class 03 (command design pattern 이용한 코딩)

//: innerclasses/controller/Event.java
// The common methods for any control event.
package innerclasses.controller;

public abstract class Event {
  private long eventTime;
  protected final long delayTime;
  public Event(long delayTime) {
    this.delayTime = delayTime;
  public void start() { // Allows restarting
    eventTime = System.nanoTime() + delayTime;
  public boolean ready() {
    return System.nanoTime() >= eventTime;
  public abstract void action();
} ///:~
//: innerclasses/controller/Controller.java
// The reusable framework for control systems.
package innerclasses.controller;
import java.util.*;

public class Controller {
  // A class from java.util to hold Event objects:
  private List<Event> eventList = new ArrayList<Event>();
  public void addEvent(Event c) { eventList.add(c); }
  public void run() {
    while(eventList.size() > 0)
      // Make a copy so you're not modifying the list
      // while you're selecting the elements in it:
      for(Event e : new ArrayList<Event>(eventList))
        if(e.ready()) {
} ///:~
//: innerclasses/GreenhouseControls.java
// This produces a specific application of the
// control system, all in a single class. Inner
// classes allow you to encapsulate different
// functionality for each type of event.
import innerclasses.controller.*;

public class GreenhouseControls extends Controller {
  private boolean light = false;
  public class LightOn extends Event {
    public LightOn(long delayTime) { super(delayTime); }
    public void action() {
      // Put hardware control code here to
      // physically turn on the light.
      light = true;
    public String toString() { return "Light is on"; }
  public class LightOff extends Event {
    public LightOff(long delayTime) { super(delayTime); }
    public void action() {
      // Put hardware control code here to
      // physically turn off the light.
      light = false;
    public String toString() { return "Light is off"; }
  private boolean water = false;
  public class WaterOn extends Event {
    public WaterOn(long delayTime) { super(delayTime); }
    public void action() {
      // Put hardware control code here.
      water = true;
    public String toString() {
      return "Greenhouse water is on";
  public class WaterOff extends Event {
    public WaterOff(long delayTime) { super(delayTime); }
    public void action() {
      // Put hardware control code here.
      water = false;
    public String toString() {
      return "Greenhouse water is off";
  private String thermostat = "Day";	
  public class ThermostatNight extends Event {
    public ThermostatNight(long delayTime) {
    public void action() {
      // Put hardware control code here.
      thermostat = "Night";
    public String toString() {
      return "Thermostat on night setting";
  public class ThermostatDay extends Event {
    public ThermostatDay(long delayTime) {
    public void action() {
      // Put hardware control code here.
      thermostat = "Day";
    public String toString() {
      return "Thermostat on day setting";
  // An example of an action() that inserts a
  // new one of itself into the event list:
  public class Bell extends Event {
    public Bell(long delayTime) { super(delayTime); }
    public void action() {
      addEvent(new Bell(delayTime));
    public String toString() { return "Bing!"; }
  public class Restart extends Event {
    private Event[] eventList;
    public Restart(long delayTime, Event[] eventList) {
      this.eventList = eventList;
      for(Event e : eventList)
    public void action() {
      for(Event e : eventList) {
        e.start(); // Rerun each event
      start(); // Rerun this Event
    public String toString() {
      return "Restarting system";
  public static class Terminate extends Event {
    public Terminate(long delayTime) { super(delayTime); }
    public void action() { System.exit(0); }
    public String toString() { return "Terminating";  }
} ///:~
//: innerclasses/GreenhouseController.java
// Configure and execute the greenhouse system.
// {Args: 5000}
import innerclasses.controller.*;

public class GreenhouseController {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    GreenhouseControls gc = new GreenhouseControls();
    // Instead of hard-wiring, you could parse
    // configuration information from a text file here:
    gc.addEvent(gc.new Bell(900));
    Event[] eventList = {
      gc.new ThermostatNight(0),
      gc.new LightOn(200),
      gc.new LightOff(400),
      gc.new WaterOn(600),
      gc.new WaterOff(800),
      gc.new ThermostatDay(1400)
    gc.addEvent(gc.new Restart(2000, eventList));
    if(args.length == 1)
        new GreenhouseControls.Terminate(
          new Integer(args[0])));
} /* Output:
Thermostat on night setting
Light is on
Light is off
Greenhouse water is on
Greenhouse water is off
Thermostat on day setting
Restarting system

[Thinking in Java, 264~]


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