느리고 고마운 영어 코스

느리지만 고마운 영어공부

코스 전체목록


문장 형식간 변환

1형식 → 2형식

  • They look (at you) → They look satisfactory.
  • It appears (at night) → It sppears unstable.

2형식 → 1형식

  • The answer is number 2 →The answer is on the back.
  • They are supportive → They are with me.

1형식 → 3형식

  • He lived.  → He lived a life(반복되는 느낌, 동적 목적어) → He lived a happy life.
  • I dreamed → I dreamed a dream → I dreamed a fantastic dream.

3형식 → 4형식

  • Someone sent roses (to me) → Someone sent me roses.
  • He ordered pizza (for us) → He ordered us pizza.

4형식 → 3형식

  • Who shower you this → Who showed this to(/for) you.
  • He teaches us history → He teaches history to(/for) us.

3형식 → 5형식

  • He called me → He called me Jack.
  • I saw a bus → I saw a bus coming.
  • They told me → They told me to buy.

5형식 → 3형식

  • He called me Jack → He called me.
  • I saw a bus boming → I saw a bus.
  • They told me to buy → They told me.


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