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The HTML Table Header Cell Element (<th>) defines a cell that is a header for a group of cells of a table. The group of cells that the header refers to is defined by the scope and headers attribute.

<th>엘리먼트는 표(Table)의 머릿글이 되는 칸(cell)을 지정합니다. 
머릿글묶음은 scope 와 headers 속성을 따릅니다. 

Usage Context

Permitted content Phrasing content
Tag omission The start tag is mandatory.
The end tag may be omitted, if it is immediately followed by a <th> or <td> element or if there are no more data in its parent element.
Permitted parent elements A <tr> element.
Normative document HTML5, section 4.9.10 (HTML4.01, section 11.2.6)


이 엘리먼트는 전역속성을 지원한다.

abbr - Obsolete in HTML5

This attribute contains a short abbreviated description of the content of the cell. Some user-agent, like speech reader, may present it before the content itself.

Note : Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete in the latest standard: instead either consider starting the cell content by an independent abbreviated content itself or use the abbreviated content as the cell content and use the long content as the description of the cell by putting it in the title attribute.

abbr - HTML5 에서는 삭제

 이 속성은 본문내용의 축약된 내용을 포함합니다. 
예를 들자면, 세계보건기구의 약어 WHO 와 같은 형태 입니다.
일부 User-agent(브라우져?)는 음성판독기와 비슷하거나 그러한 기능을 제공합니다.

Note :  최신 표준에서는 삭제되었으니 사용하지 마세요.
다만, 아래의 2가지 방법을 권장 합니다. (고려해 보세요?)
1. 칸이 시작될때 설명글 내용을 간략히 입력 하세요.
2. 칸에는 축약된 내용을 넣고 Title 속성에 축약되지 않은 긴 내용을 입력 하세요.

align - Deprecated in HTML 4.01, Obsolete in HTML5

This enumerated attribute specifies how horizontal alignment of each cell content will be handled. Possible values are:

• left, aligning the content to the left of the cell
• center, centering the content in the cell
• right, aligning the content to the right of the cell
• justify, inserting spaces into the textual content so that the content is justified in the cell
• char, aligning the textual content on a special character with a minimal offset, defined by the char and charoff

align - HTML 4.01 에서는 중단, HTML5 에서는 폐기

칸안의 내용을 수평정렬 할 수 있도록 합니다. 
지정 가능한 속성은 아래와 같습니다.

• left : 칸안의 내용을 왼쪽정렬 합니다
• center : 칸안의 내용을 중앙정렬 합니다
• right : 칸안의 내용을 오른쪽정렬 합니다
• justify : 칸안의 공간에 맞추어 자간을 조절 합니다.
• char : 진행중;;;

attributes Unimplemented (see bug 2212 ) .

If this attribute is not set,  the left value is assumed.

Note : Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete (not supported) in the latest standard.
 •To achieve the same effect as the left, center, right or justify values, use the CSS text-align property on it.
 •To achieve the same effect as the char value, in CSS3, you can use the value of the char as the value of the text-align property Unimplemented .

axis - Obsolete in HTML5

This attribute contains a list of space-separated strings. Each string is the id of a group of cells that this header apply to.

Note : Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete in the latest standard: instead use the scope attribute.

bgcolor - Non-standard

This attribute defines the background color of each cell of the column. It is one of the 6-digit hexadecimal code as defined in sRGB, prefixed by a '#'.

Usage note : Do not use this attribute, as it is non-standard and only implemented some versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer: the <th> element should be styled using CSS. To give a similar effect to the bgcolor attribute, use the CSS property background-color instead.

char - Deprecated in HTML 4.01, Obsolete in HTML5

This attribute is used to set the character to align the cells in a column on. Typical values for this include a period (.) when attempting to align numbers or monetary values. If align is not set to char, this attribute is ignored.

Note : Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete (and not supported) in the latest standard. To achieve the same effect as the char , in CSS3, you can use the character set using the char attribute as the value of the text-align property Unimplemented .

charoff - Deprecated in HTML 4.01, Obsolete in HTML5

This attribute is used to indicate the number of characters to offset the column data from the alignment characters specified by the char attribute.

Note : Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete (and not supported) in the latest standard.


This attribute contains a non-negative integer value that indicates on how many columns does the cell extend. Its default value is 1; if its value is set to 0, it does extend until the end of the <colgroup>, eventually implicitly defined, the cell belongs to.


This attributes a list of space-separated strings, each corresponding to the id attribute of the <th> elements that applies to this element.


This attribute contains a non-negative integer value that indicates on how many rows does the cell extend. Its default value is 1; if its value is set to 0, it does extend until the end of the table section ( <thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot>, eventually implicitly defined) the cell belongs to.


This enumerated attribute defines the cells that the header defined in this <th> element relates to. It may have the following values:
 •row, which means that the header relates to all cells in the row that this element belongs to;
 •col, which means that the header relates to all cells in the column that this element belongs to;
 •rowgroup, which means that the header relates to all remaining cells in the row that this element belongs to. The remaining cells are either those to the right of this element, or to his left depending of the value of dir attribute defined on the <table> element;
 •colgroup, which means that the header relates to all remaining cells in the column that this element belongs to;

 valign - Deprecated in HTML 4.01, Obsolete in HTML5

This attribute specifies the vertical alignment of the text within each row of cells of the table header. Possible values for this attribute are:

 •baseline, which will put the text as close to the bottom of the cell as it is possible, but align it on the baseline of the characters instead of the bottom of them. If characters are all of the size, this has the same effect as bottom.
 •bottom, which will put the text as close to the bottom of the cell as it is possible;
 •middle, which will center the text in the cell;
 •and top, which will put the text as close to the top of the cell as it is possible.

Note :
Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete (and not supported) in the latest standard: instead set the CSS  vertical-align property on it.


See <table> for examples on <th>.

DOM Interface

This element implements the HTMLTableHeaderCellElement interface.


기능 구글크롬 파이어폭스Gecko) 인터넷 익스플로러 Opera Safari
기본적인 지원 1.0 1.0 (1.7 or earlier) 지원 지원 지원
align/valign attribute 1.0 bug 915 지원 지원 지원
char/charoff attribute 1.0 bug 2212 지원 지원 지원
bgcolor attribute
기능 안드로이드 파이어폭스 모바일(Gecko) 인터넷 익스플로러 모바일 오페라 모바일 사파리 모바일
기본적인 지원 지원 1.0 (1.0) 지원 지원 지원
align/valign attribute   bug 915      
char/charoff attribute   bug 2212      
bgcolor attribute



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