맥스앤루비 시즌 1 대본

04 Ruby's Leaf Collection

본 토픽은 현재 준비중입니다.공동공부에 참여하시면 완성 되었을 때 알려드립니다.














Just a minute, Max.
I might need this!
Okay, you can have it.
I've already got one of those.
Summer is over and now a new season is starting.
You know what the new season is called, Max?
It's called the Fall.
And you know what happens in the Fall.
The weather starts getting colder.
And makes the trees shake and shudder.
And then all their leaves fall off! Fall!
And when all the leaves fall... ...we have to make a leaf collection book for school.
This year, mine is going to be the best one in the whole class.
Here's how it works.
I have to collect as many different leaves as I can.
One leaf from each kind of tree in the neighborhood.
When I find a new leaf, I paste it in this book.
I have everything I need except the copper beech... the Japanese Maple... and the rarest one of all ... the Big Tooth Aspen.
If I could find a Big Tooth Aspen leaf, my leaf collection book would be the best in the whole class!
Not even Louise has a Big Tooth Aspen leaf!
I'm not stopping until I find one.


I'll look through these to see if there are any I need.
Hmmm ...
I don't need that one ...
I've got that one.
And I don't need that one...
I think that's a copper beech! ...
I'd better check in my book.
That's it!
I've got my copper beech leaf!
Thanks Max!


That pile of leaves is getting pretty big!
I bet I'll find my Japanese maple leaf here.
That's not it ... neither is that.
I've got that one...


If I'm right, this is the leaf of a Japanese Maple!
Let's just see... Aha!

Vroom, vroom.


Max! You dumped leaves on top of my leaf collection book!
Where is it?
There are so many leaves, I can't find it!
There it is!
Now where did I put that Japanese maple leaf?
I've still got it!
That's another leaf for my collection.

Vroom, vroom.

Now I just have to find a Big Tooth Aspen leaf... Max!
We’ve got a big enough pile of leaves for now.
I think ... that's ... it! Uh oh!
Where did it go?
Stop right there Max.
You don't need to put any more leaves on this pile.
That Big Tooth Aspen leaf has to be in here somewhere.
Not another step Max.
In fact, why don't you take a step back from the pile.
The slightest breeze could move those leaves and I'll lose my Big Tooth Aspen leaf for good!
You could even take few more steps back just to be on the safe side.
That's good, Max.
Here's the leaf!
I'm just going to double check that this yellow leaf is a Big Tooth Aspen.
Okay, it should look like this...
That's it!
I've found my Big Tooth Aspen leaf!
Isn't that wonderful, Max?
I'll have the best leaf collection book in the whole class!
Max? Max? Max! Noo!!!
Oh! I was so close to having the best leaf collection in the whole class.
Now I'll never find my Big Tooth Aspen leaf!
I can't believe it!
My Big Tooth Aspen leaf!
How on earth did that happen?



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