04 Bunny Money | |
I've saved a walletful of money for Grandma's birthday present, Max. Grandma! We're going to buy Grandma a music box with skating ballerinas on top. Hold on to your lucky quarter, Max and let's go shopping. Hello, Max. Hello, Ruby. One dollar for the bus ride, please. Thank you. There's the music box I want to get Grandma for her birthday. Aren't the ballerinas beautiful? Thirsty! Okay, Max. You can buy a very, very small lemonade. We don't have much money. I'll wait for you right here. Well, Hello, Max. Well I see you've noticed our selection of vampire teeth with oozing cherry syrup inside. They are only two dollars. I bet these are a present for someone's birthday. That is not a very, very small lemonade, Max! Look at you. We have to clean you up. You look disgusting! Don't move, Max! That's one dollar for the soap. One dollar for the washer. And one dollar for the dryer. That's three dollars! Money down the drain, Max. We better get back to Rosalinda's Gift Shop before there's no money left to buy Grandma's birthday present. Hungry. It is lunchtime. Okay, Max. But just a quick snack! One peanut butter and jelly sandwich two coconut cupcakes and a banana shake, cost four dollars, Max! We are going straight back to Rosalinda's Gift shop without spending another penny! Hello, Ruby. Hi, Max. What can I do for you today? I'd like to buy the music box with skating ballerina's on top for Grandma's birthday, please. What a lovely present. It's a hundred dollars. A hundred dollars? The ice skates are made with real gold. I only have five dollars left. Five dollars. Here's an idea. Singing Bluebird earrings are on sale for four dollars. Gift wrap is free. We'll take them. You can pick out wrapping paper over there. Four dollars for the earrings... One dollar change. You take care of this dollar, Max. Don't spend it all in one place. Hello again, Max. I see you've found our glow in the dark vampire teeth. Grandma! Good choice. Most people like glow in the dark vampire teeth much better than the oozing cherry kind. And glow in the dark vampire teeth are half price. Only one dollar. Bye Max. There you are, Max. Where's my one dollar change? Grandma! Oh no, Max. You spent our last dollar. How are we going to pay for the bus home? Max! Your lucky quarter. We can use it to telephone Grandma to come pick us up! Thank you for coming to pick us up Grandma. I'm glad you like your birthday presents. Ooh, I just love my singing blue bird earrings and my glow in the dark vampire teeth. |
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