
피노키오 - 예습


Bad Things Happen to Bad Children

For his sins Pinocchio is not only hanged but robbed, kidnapped, stabbed, whipped, starved, jailed, punched in the head, and has his legs burned off(몬 말인지 모르겠음.문법적으로도 쫌.. 애매..이런 얘기인 듯.. 피노키오를 그렇게 만든 것도 범죄이지만..더 나쁜 것은.. ). Worse, however, is the psychological abuse(심리적으로 학대한 것..).

>>아.. 이런 얘긴 듯... 피노키오는 자기가 저지른 죄에 대해서, 목만 매달린 것이 아니다. .. 심리적으로도 (작가로부터) 학대받았다.

At different points he is tricked into believing that he has killed both his “father” (Geppetto) and his “mother” (the Blue Fairy)(속여서 자기가 죽였다고 믿게 만든다.). Collodi savors(만끽한다.. 음미한다.)응? 가리키는 거 누구? 콜로디를 구한 이들?) Pinocchio’s comeuppances,(마땅한 벌..) recounting(다시 말하다) each one in loving, histrionic(연극하는 분위기의, 과장된 세부묘사에서 하나하나 다시 다루면서..) detail. (요 문장은 이해 못 했음..)When Pinocchio is caught in an iron trap he is “so giddy(아찔한..) with pain that stars of every colour danced before his eyes.(이런 철망 덫에 걸렸을 때, 피노키오는 너무나 giddy해서 눈 앞이 빙글빙글 돌았다..??” During one of his several bouts(한바탕, 한차례) of starvation, Pinocchio’s stomach is “like an apartment that had been left empty and uninhabited for five months.” (헉.. 고픈 배를 이렇게 비유...) (작가가 피노키오를 벌준다고 굶긴 겨?)

Other elaborate(공을 들인, 정성을 들인) humiliations(창피를 줌) include being plunged(거꾸러지다) in flour “five or six times” until “he was white from head to foot and looked like a puppet made of plaster(plaster로 만든 인형처럼 보일 때까지 밀가루에 5-6번 plunge 던져진 것은..)” in preparation for being cooked in a frying pan. He is strapped (묶이다.) with a “great collar(큰 개목걸이) covered in brass knobs(놋쇠 손잡이)” like a dog and locked in a kennel(개집 ..같은 데에 갇혀서??). And, after being transformed into a donkey, he is dressed up like a girl and forced to do absurd(우스꽝스러운?) dances, then leap through hoops(묘기부리고..), on stage. Collodi’s(작가인가?) sadistic glee(고소해 하는 것) in these scenes is infectious(전염되는..)—they are by far(단연코!) the richest and most entertaining sections of the book. In this way Pinocchio resembles not the fairy tales of, say, Hans Christian Anderson,(그렇기 때문에 피노키오는 안데르센의 책처럼, 착한 아이들에게 좋은 일이 생긴다는 류의 동화가 아니라,  in which good things happen to good children, but Heinrich Hoffmann’s Struwelpeter(동화이름임. Shaggy Peter, 머리털이 덥수룩한 피터) and Hillaire Belloc’s Cautionary Verses(경고조의 운문.. 오히려 이런 류와 닮았다. 제목인지, 꾸며주는 말인지 몰겠음..), in which bad things happen to bad children(나쁜 아이들에게 나쁜 일이 일어난다.). Collodi, however, doesn’t have the light touch (섬세하게 다루는 것? 가볍게 해내는 능력, 손쉽게 해내는 능력)of Hoffmann and Belloc; he is sterner(근엄하고..), and more malicious(적의가 있는.. 악의적인..). (뭔가 스타일.. 아니면 소재? 호프만이나 벨록처럼 뭐랄까.. 은근한 표현이 아니라, 좀 거칠게 표현한다는 의미인가나?) >> 단어 뜻 찾아보니, 호프만이나 벨록은 좀 가볍게 다루는 반면에, 콜로디는 좀 근엄하고 심지어 적의가 느껴지는 방식으로 쓰는 듯..

Not even Pinocchio’s dullest young reader will fail to miss Collodi’s message, since he rephrases it in one way or another in nearly every chapter. As the Blue Fairy(?? 파란 머리의 요정) puts it in the book’s conclusion:

Boys who minister(어떤 의미일까? 어케 표현할까나? 부모에게 순순하게 대하고..?) tenderly to their parents and assist them in their misery and infirmities(병약, 질환), are deserving of great praise and affection, even if they cannot be cited as examples of obedience and good behaviour. Try and do better in the future and you will be happy.

하튼.. 부모님 말 잘 듣고 잘 들어주면, 칭찬과 사랑을 받을 자격이 생긴다.

노력하면 행복해질거다.

>> 콜로디가 매 장에서 전하고 있는 메시지.

>> 여기서 약간 흐름이 바뀜.. 

There is some business(이 부분 뭐라고 표현할까나? 의미는?.. 좀 언급할 부분이 있다?) at the end about becoming a “real boy,” but it seems an afterthought(좀더 깊이 생각해볼만한 일이다?? >> 요건 아닌 같고.. 사전보니, 미리 세심하게 계획한 아니라 나중에 덧붙인 .). In fact the final two-thirds of the book were an afterthought(사실 책의 뒷부분 2/3정도는 나중에 덧붙인 것이다. 애초에 그렇게 쓰려고 했던 게 아니었다.). Pinocchio was originally published serially(아동용 신문에 연재되었던 작품이다. 매주) in the weekly Giornale dei bambini, the “newspaper for kids,” where it gained a large following(추종자, )(독자들의 반응이 좋았다?). But when Pinocchio was hanged after the 15th installment(15번째 글에서?>> 15회분에서..), Collodi’s young readers were horrified. His publishers forced him to extend the story(이야기를 연장하라고 강요했다.), bringing Pinocchio back to life through the intervention of a beautiful child with blue hair (the character that later morphs into the Blue Fairy(.. 요정과 같은, 마법을 부리는 존재...?)). Collodi also altered the genre(장르를 바꿨다? 이 부분의 의미는?), rewriting his tragedy as black comedy(비극.. 과 블랙 유머?? 각각에 대해서 위키 읽어보기). He struck a compromise(타협을 했다?): Pinocchio’s life would be spared, but in return his punishments would become ever more baroque and gruesome. (피노키오가 목숨은 구했는지, 그 처벌은 더욱 심해지게 만들기로 타협을 한 것이다.)

Collodi, who had written satirical works of fiction and worked as a civil servant공무원??, began writing for children because “grown-ups are too hard to satisfy.” He enticed(유도, 유인하다.)(매료시켰다??) his young readers with fanciful descriptions of carriages(객차) “lined with whipped cream, custard(커스터드 소스) and vanilla wafers(웨이퍼가 바닐라고 된? 아.. 바닐라 과자.. )” and idylls(목가적인 곳, 전원) in the hedonistic(쾌락주의자의) “Land of Boobies(멍청이),” where there are no adult(어른이 없는 곳..?) s and summer vacation runs( 부분은 뭐지??) from the first of January to the last day of December. The appeal is obvious(작가가 호소하는 것은 명백하다.): When left to his own devices(이 부분의 의미는?), Pinocchio is a hero of child loafers빈둥거리며 시간보내는 사람) and rebels(반항아) everywhere. But the fun never lasts long. And then the violence begins. Though Collodi may have set out to satisfy his young readers, it is ultimately their parents who have the last, maniacal(미친 듯한) laugh. (어린 독자들에게 즐거움을 선사했을지 모르지만, 결국 ...한 웃음을 터뜨리게 된 것은 부모였다.)


걸린 시간 :
1) 읽으며 모르는 부분 표시 : 15분
2) 표시한 부분 단어 찾음 : 15분
3) 번역본 작성 : 22분


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