- The condition of Streamer selection
- Availability of control resolution, fps, display quality for adapting to raspberrypi2 specification
- Delay of maximum 5 second
- Whether the option to save the image file to be used for OPENCV is possible. - The result of Streamer
- Install Streamer
Set up Raspberry Pi
Install gstreamer
Update your Raspbian before install gstreamer packages.sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get update
Install gstreamer packages.sudo apt-get install gstreamer-tools gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-good v4l-utils
Create gstreamer start script
I like tcsh shell.sudo apt-get install tcsh
Create the script gst-server.sh to start gstreamer streaming server.Add an executable permission to the script.#!/bin/tcsh set myip=192.168.XXX.XXX set port=5000 set width=320 set height=240 gst-launch\ v4l2src !\ ffmpegcolorspace !\ video/x-raw-yuv,width=${width},height=${height},framerate=\(fraction\)30/1 !\ jpegenc !\ tcpserversink host=${myip} port=${port} sync=false
chmod u+x gst-server.sh
Connect a webcam
I used PS3 Eye as a webcam. You can use other webcams.Start gstreamer
Run the script../gst-server.sh
Set up Android phone
I created an Android application simplemjpegview_gst based on SimpleMjpegStreamer. You can download the source codes.
You can download apk file here.
- Test Streaming
4.1 Test Environment
Hardware : Raspberrypi2, USB 2.1A Power, Legitec C310 720p Webcam, Sharing gateway to make internal network
Software : gstreamer Server/Client
4.2 Test Result
Execution of Raspberrypi gstreamer server --> Excution of Android gstreamer client
- The result
- Checked tolerable delay in the internal network
- External power for USB webcam is necessary for supporting power safely. - To do
- Intall OpenCV written by executable python on Raspberrypi
- gstreamer & OPENCV cooperation (Testing OPENCV example supported by gstreamer using capture functionality, Testing considered turbulence)
- Analysis of Android gstreamer client source code for porting
- Simple and right camera which doesn't need external power supply is necessary(PICAM)